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Honored to Be a New York Times Guest Blogger

July 30, 2010

A well-intentioned Facebook post crossed my Internet path recently and I got really curious about it. Read what I found out … in my guest post in today’s Motherlode, the popular New York Times blog on adventures in parenting.

Welcome to those of you visiting from The New York Times and to others who are new to this blog. I invite you to explore past posts and especially to learn more about my wonderful 7-year-old son in a post from June 30 that really meant a lot to me. In it, I write about the very special evening he came to me with a book and read for an hour and a half.

And here are a few more posts that refer to him:

Texas Tragedy Reminds Me to Love My Son Even More

The Buddha’s First-Ever Blog Post

Tales From the 4th: Fresh Perspectives on Independence

Acceptance, in 100% Cotton

In the Caregiver’s Shadow

Much of the reason I’ve been drawn to coaching, writing and speaking about losses that often aren’t recognized as “grief” per se came out of my experiences as the mom of this child who is special for so many reasons that extend far beyond his “special needs.” I’m honored you’ve joined me here today. Thank you.


  1. estelle macdonald permalink

    Thank you, for your insight,candor,and perspective. I must confess,I am not really too sure about how the “stumbled upon it” moments occur. On some days its about the power of the universe,fate,serendipity or such….most days I have come not to really care about where they come just deeply grateful when i am hit by one like i was this morning when your headline caught my eye.

    Your column touched me very deeply…on a number of levels…so i delved more deeply, read your bio, and found myself reading most of your entries…a blissful morning of reading indeed…( and too many ellipses:) It led me to write and say thank you.

    Thank you for the work you are doing and for the discipline to embrace the writing. These days so many of us plow thru the plethora of blogs seeking ideas that will teach us something new, ideas that fortify our own, or ideas that stir us up enough to shout back in an effort stop the echo of chaos that seems to be swirling around us at the speed of light every nano second.

    The past year has presented major transitions into my life ,bringing an opportunity to step back from a fast paced career and forward into the world that allows time for reading,writing, following up on curiosity, and reflections.

    The world of social media and digital communication has, of course, brought it all together rapidly for so many people. It is a rich and exciting time on many levels and I feel blessed to have been able to find a spot in the revolving door.

    What i am concluding is something my career in design, arts and communication has always held high… “less is more”.

    There may be myriads of bloggers with myriads of words and sentences…many of them can’t actually write their way out of a paper bag.. and the majority don’t seem to have anything real to say at all.

    Thank you for the inspiration to continue this journey.. I look forward to reading
    more of your entries. Continued success to you and your family.~e

  2. Michelle Buzgon permalink

    Estelle … you have brought me to tears. I’m beyond touched by your words and find myself at a loss for my own. I hope you will continue to be in touch. ~Michelle

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